The Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre

The Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) was established for the purpose of development and promotion of state policy and strategy in the field of land administration and regulation of land relations, erosion protection, cadaster and real estate valuation, geodesy, mapping and geoinformation. The institution is directly subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Moldova. ALRC takes part in forecasting of country’s socio-economic development, coordinates actions of central branch authorities and local authorities in the field of development and promotion of national programs and plans. In addition, ALRC promotes economic-organizing reforms in its activity domains, harmonizes respective legislative and normative acts with European norms and standards and promotes implementation of innovative technologies in related fields. Moreover, ALRC carries out execution, control, supervising, and other functions in the field of land relations, geodesy, mapping, cadastre and Geographic Information System (GIS) activities, to some extent Land Information System (LIS) activities, and also activities for building up the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of the country. According to the NSDI Law, adopted on November 17, 2016, The ALRC is the coordinating authority of the NSDI in the Republic of Moldova.

Additional Info

Field Value
Country/Region Coverage Republic of Moldova
Data Accessibility No - but metadata available
Data Policy Restricted
GEO Affiliation Non GEO
GEO Data Management Principles Label Discoverable -, Accessible -, Traceable -, Preserved -, Periodically verified -, Reviewed and refreshed -
Geographical Coverage National
Institution Web Site URL
Official Contact Point Email
Official Contact Point Name Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre
Other Initiatives
Registration Date 2017-05-19
Relevant SBA
Relevant SDG Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Service Endpoint
Technical Contact Point Email
Technical Contact Point Name Department for Geodesy, Mapping, GIS and NSDI
Type of Knowledge Body
Type of Resources Data (including imagery)